The Foundation met with Professor Vinod Pavarala, Chairholder of the UNESCO Chair on Community Media, Professor Vasuki Belavadi, Faculty Fellow, and Professor Kanchan K. Malik, Faculty Fellow, along with an official from BICMA at Tarayana Centre.
They’re in Bhutan conducting a workshop on strengthening community radio and visiting the country’s only operational radio station in Edi-Dechenpelri.
Despite the rise of social media, community radio plays a unique and vital role in preserving our vanishing traditions and culture in this digitally advanced age. It’s a valuable tool that can preserve, revive, and celebrate these traditions by engaging the community and recording them for future generations. This is a direct link to our cultural roots, keeping us connected to our heritage.
Additionally, digitalizing or web-based community radio can serve as a bridge, connecting people from the community living across the globe.