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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

Empowering Through Education

I first learned about Tarayana Foundation through the Yangchenphug HSS
Tarayana Club and in 2014 I was the Tarayana Club Captain. Initially, my
knowledge about the Foundation was limited to it being an organization that helped and catered to the needs of financially challenged individuals living in Bhutan but I wasn’t aware of its other major projects and services such as housing programs, green technology, handicraft outlets, and the recent Tarayana MicroFinance program.

During school days I was an avid participant in the club activities such as cleaning campaigns, tree plantation, and donation of clothes and necessary items to people living in slum areas and kidu houses near the JDWNRH. After high school, I was selected for Tarayana Foundation’s scholarship program where I pursued my Bachelor’s degree at Asian University for Women (AUW), a Liberal Arts University in
Bangladesh, known for its dedication towards women’s education and leadership development. 

I learned about the scholarship through my dad and close friends. I along with a few of my friends decided to apply for this scholarship. I belong to a very humble family with my father being the sole bread earner. I am also the eldest of four siblings. I was also motivated to apply for the program after a few of my seniors’ studying at AUW told me about the prospective employment opportunities. 

I also did a few background checks on the AUW website where most students shared their life-changing experiences at AUW. Even to this day, I vividly remember all the excitement and nervousness I went through while going through its examination and interview processes. 

All those selection processes were worth the experience I had through this scholarship. When I was informed of my selection for the scholarship program at AUW, I was thrilled and anxious at the same time. The thought of going to live and study in Bangladesh made me apprehensive as I was told that the place is very different and difficult, especially for girls. 

With sets of Bhutanese students already studying there, I was determined to study, live, and grow there. When I reached there and started my studies, all my doubts and skepticism were gone as the place was very hospitable, friendly, caring, and festive. Of the countless festivals I’ve celebrated, Eid is my favorite.

I was very shy and dreaded public speaking. With the experience of studying in AUW, I have become confident, and feel comfortable interacting with people. The modules and programs at AUW had activities and course-works that were designed for maximum participation. The “all women” university also had students from 16 countries that piqued my interest to experience and learn different ideas, share knowledge, and spectrum of thinking. In my final year, I was selected for an exchange program to study in South Korea. All these little achievements encouraged and empowered me to become the person I am today. Throughout my study period, I had constant support and guidance from the Tarayana Foundation head office in Madam Palden. Even after graduation, she kept track of our progress and growth which I feel is essential for evaluation and monitoring purposes.

The Tarayana Scholarship has been very vital to me and my goal of being an independent artistic woman. I recommend all the girls I meet to apply for Tarayana scholarships after high school as a means to empower women in Bhutan. I have immense gratitude for the Foundation for its generous yet systematic programs and activities that have touched thousands of Bhutanese lives. The Foundation’s perseverance to educate, support and empower underprivileged individuals living in Bhutan should be celebrated and cherished. I am currently working in VAST Bhutan as a Programme Manager. I am working to support the growth and recognition of the organization in the international market.’