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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

From Dormancy to Flourishing Threads: Tashi Choden’s Resilient Journey in Cotton Cultivation

In the serene landscapes of the Pemagatshel district, nestled within the picture of Dungmin block, Bangyul, the indomitable spirit of Tashi Choden radiates through her remarkable journey as a 36-year-old single mother and dedicated cultivator of cotton. A resilient tale unfolds, as her dormant cotton cultivation finds renewed life after a prolonged hiatus of 33 years, courtesy of the Tarayana Foundation.
The pivotal role played by the foundation in revitalizing Tashi’s business cannot be overstated. Providing her with a cutting-edge machine capable of producing an impressive array of 32 different colors, the foundation not only simplified the arduous process but also broadened the creative horizons of her cotton cultivation venture. Beyond mere machinery provision, the foundation assumed the role of mentor, imparting crucial training and offering unwavering support. While Tashi openly acknowledges the inherent challenges in cotton cultivation, recent developments have propelled her enterprise forward. A significant turning point emerged when she seized the opportunity to participate in a prestigious fashion show organized by Royal Textile Academy in November 2023. This platform not only showcased her talents but also injected a substantial financial boost into her venture.

The fashion show acted as a gateway for Tashi to unveil her skills to a wider audience, functioning as a catalyst for increased recognition and sponsorship. The exposure garnered translated into tangible business growth, with customers expressing keen interest in her intricately crafted cotton products.
Beyond the immediate gains, the visibility achieved through the fashion show opened doors for Tashi Choden to connect with a discerning customer. Not only did this individual appreciate her work, but the organizer also pledged to facilitate a training program. This commitment signifies a ripple effect of support, ensuring the continuous enhancement of her products and fostering sustainable growth for her business.
Tashi’s narrative embodies the transformative power of support and opportunity, turning a once-dormant venture into a flourishing testament to resilience and creativity in the heart of Pemagatshel district.