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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

Economic Development

The Foundation’s unwavering commitment to empowering rural communities in Bhutan for a brighter future through sustained livelihoods and improved financial access is a source of pride and inspiration. This requires a comprehensive approach to economic development, creating income opportunities, fostering entrepreneurship, and improving financial services access. The Foundation aims to enhance rural livelihoods and boost the economic well-being of these communities in the long run. Moreover, it strives to improve financial access by offering credit and savings products to aid economic progress. Access to such services enables rural communities to effectively manage finances, invest in businesses, and save for the future.

Economic empowerment is a crucial focus, exemplified by establishing over 200 self-help groups engaged in diverse income-generating activities like crafts and agriculture. This not only contributes to community economic advancement but also instills a sense of hope and optimism for the future of these rural communities.