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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

A Day of Volunteerism and Reflection at Zuri Lhakhang on the Descending Day of Lord Buddha

The Tarayana Club members of Paro College of Education volunteered at Zuri Lhakhang (temple) on the descending day of Lord Buddha (2023). Tandin Zam, a club member of Paro College of Education, who is currently in B.Ed. third year shares her experience of that day.

“On the sacred occasion of the descending day of Lord Buddha, our volunteer group gathered at a serene Lhakhang, which is well known as Zuri Lhakhang to the people to contribute our effort in fostering a sense of community service. Engaging in various tasks we dedicated our time to meaningful endeavors.

We found ourselves immersed in a tremendous sense of appreciation and humanity after embarking on our volunteer responsibilities to deliver service and assist the community. Our sense of purpose and fulfillment was heightened as we worked collaboratively, observing the physical impact of our efforts on the Lhakhang’s atmosphere. Each work we completed represented our dedication to assisting others, even in tiny ways, reaffirming the strong bond we felt with the teaching that guided our volunteerism spirit.

Our duties ranged from cleaning the monastery to assisting in the organization of the special event. We intended to create a conducive setting for introspection and spiritual practice by cleaning and beautifying the surroundings. In addition, we assisted in preparing meals as well as washing and cleaning. We worked together as cooks, carriers and servers.

In the end, the event left an everlasting imprint on our hearts, instilling a sense of togetherness, purpose, and reverence for Lord Buddha’s teaching. We not only contributed to the preservation of the monastery by our combined efforts and shared emotions, but we also expanded our comprehension of the enlightened one’s idea”.