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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

Dorji Drakpa’s Internship Story with the Foundation

“I am Dorji Drakpa, currently pursuing Bachelor of Science in Sustainable Development at the College of Natural Resources, Lobesa, Punakha.
I want to extend my heartiest gratitude to Tarayana Foundation for the great experience during my internship from 2nd December 2022 to 2nd February 2023. Being a student of development, I could link the assigned tasks to the SDG goals we studied in theory, and practically apply my book learnings.
The Foundation takes interns to imbue us with the appropriate skills to prepare us for the job market. I am grateful that I got this opportunity to explore more about the ground realities, especially in rural development. I could fully implement the knowledge I learned from the module “Integrated Watershed Management.”
The field visit at Larjab and Dorona blocks in Dagana was an excellent experience for me. One of the memorable incidents was an interaction with a drunk community member that made me realize how the Field Officers of the Foundation handle such challenges on a daily basis.
In another case, during the consultation meeting with the community at Larjab, the Gup was pleasantly surprised by the attendance of the meeting. The Gup said, “I have not seen these many people even during the visit of the Ministers and Dashos (high ranked officials), but today, I see so many people attending the meeting.” Through this, I learned what the Tarayana Foundation means to the communities. I could see it’s all because of the services that the Foundation gives to the community, and I was deeply touched to see and hear their thoughts.
Studying springshed is a great experience for me. I am happy that Tarayana Foundation is partnering with the College of Natural Resources for Research and Development activities to uplift rural communities.
As the Foundation offers “Service from the Heart,” I would like to extend my “Thank you from the Heart.”