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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

For Technology that Transforms Lives

‘My earliest encounter with Tarayana Foundation was through social media
platforms such as Facebook, and Instagram. 

The regular updates about the Foundation’s initiatives, success stories, and events were engaging, and progressive reaching the younger generations. I have also seen the Foundation featured in various newspapers, and magazines garnering a wide spectrum of audiences. 

I feel the emphasis on leveraging the use of social and print media to expand its outreach is important for promoting sustainable development, and community empowerment in Bhutan. 

Tarayana Foundation is a respected and renowned organization on both national and international fronts for its unrelenting efforts in promoting sustainable development, poverty reduction, and cultural preservation in Bhutan.

Green Tech Challenge is an annual event organized by the Depart of Electrical Engineering at the College of Science and Technology that promotes innovative technologies for renewable energy and sustainable development. With this initiative, Tarayana Foundation encourages communities, and individuals to develop and adopt environmentally friendly practices and technologies that incorporate solar energy systems, biogas plants, and composting methods. 

Over the years, the Green Tech Challenge has had numerous success stories that include the installation of solar panels in schools, and homes, the construction of biogas plants in communities, and the implementation of waste management systems. These efforts have not only helped to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices but have also contributed towards improving the overall living conditions of communities.

A remarkable success story involves the installation of solar panels in a remote school in the valley of Haa. 

The school was isolated without access to electricity, and students had to rely on kerosene lamps and candles to study at night. Through the Green Tech Challenge, Tarayana Foundation was able to install solar panels, which provided the school with a reliable source of electricity. This not only allowed students to study in a well-lit environment but also helped to reduce their exposure to harmful fumes from kerosene lamps. 

As I have been appointed this year, I have a relatively brief experience working with Tarayana Foundation. But the previous coordinator, Mr. Namgay Tenzin has provided valuable guidance and support for the Green Tech Challenge 2023. I have been briefed regarding the competition rules and criteria, as well as relevant resources and contacts. I am eager to work with Tarayana Foundation and contribute towards their mission of promoting sustainable and happy development.

This year’s Green Tech Challenge is a showcase of innovative technologies, and practices that help reduce the environmental impact of cold storage. Another expectation for the competition is the diversity and range of participants, from startups and small businesses to established companies and industry leaders. This could lead to a wide variety of solutions being presented, ranging from high-tech innovations to low-cost, scalable solutions. The Green Tech Challenge 2023 has the potential to generate new ideas and solutions that address the pressing environmental challenges associated with cold storage, while also promoting
collaboration and innovation across different sectors and industries.

The Green Tech Challenge has been making significant progress in promoting and supporting sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Since its inception, the competition has attracted a growing number of participants, showcasing a diverse range of innovative ideas and solutions. The competition has also provided financial support and mentorship to selected startups and entrepreneurs, helping them to turn their ideas into viable businesses and contributing to the growth of the
green economy. Overall, the Green Tech Challenge provides a platform for
innovative ideas and solutions, and by incentivizing sustainable practices, the Green Tech Challenge is helping to create a cleaner and more sustainable future for all.

As the Green Tech Challenge Coordinator, my goals include enhancing the
visibility and engagement of the event attracting participants from other colleges of RUB, partnering with relevant organizations and stakeholders and exploring new formats and modes of engagement. I also would like to expand the scope and focus of the competition by addressing new and emerging sustainability challenges and opportunities such as circular economy, renewable energy, and sustainable transportation, among others. Another goal is to enhance the support and resources provided to participants, by offering more comprehensive and tailored mentorship,
funding, and networking opportunities. My objective is to strengthen the
competition’s role as a catalyst for innovation and sustainability, by fostering collaboration and knowledge-sharing, promoting best practices and standards, and supporting growth and development.’