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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

Love Across the Range: How an Olep Met a Monpa

Angay Chode, one of the elders of Rukha, says the Oleps of Rukha (under Atang Gewog in Wangduephordang) and the Monpas of Jangbi in Trongsa, originate from the same source believed to be somewhere in the valley of Reti, in Sarpang. In time, they dispersed, settling on both sides of the Jow Durshing. Angay Chode says this was due to the practice of shifting cultivation, known as Tseri. Ever since contact was nominal- with the Monpas settling down in present-day Jangbi while the Oleps chose Rukha – a nearly two-day journey by road. Today’s Oleps in Rukha is the third generation. 

Chencho, a 36-year-old Olep, was born and raised in Athang Rukha, which earned him the nickname of his village, Rukha. The seed of his story of love and carpentry was planted early in 2006 when TF initiated the first ‘Integrated Community Development’ model supported by a Poverty Reduction Fund raised by famous footballers Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidan for ‘Match Against Poverty’ under the aegis of United Nations Volunteers (UNV).

Angay Chode, one of the elders of Rukha, says the Oleps of Rukha (under Atang Gewog in Wangduephordang) and the Monpas of Jangbi in Trongsa, originate from the same source believed to be somewhere in the valley of Reti, in Sarpang. In time, they dispersed, settling on both sides of the Jow Durshing. Angay Chode says this was due to the practice of shifting cultivation, known as Tseri. Ever since contact was nominal- with the Monpas settling down in present-day Jangbi while the Oleps chose Rukha – a nearly two-day journey by road. Today’s Oleps in Rukha is the third generation. 

Chencho, a 36-year-old Olep, was born and raised in Athang Rukha, which earned him the nickname of his village, Rukha. The seed of his story of love and carpentry was planted early in 2006 when TF initiated the first ‘Integrated Community Development’ model supported by a Poverty Reduction Fund raised by famous footballers Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidan for ‘Match Against Poverty’ under the aegis of United Nations Volunteers (UNV).

Angay Chode, one of the elders of Rukha, says the Oleps of Rukha (under Atang Gewog in Wangduephordang) and the Monpas of Jangbi in Trongsa, originate from the same source believed to be somewhere in the valley of Reti, in Sarpang. In time, they dispersed, settling on both sides of the Jow Durshing. Angay Chode says this was due to the practice of shifting cultivation, known as Tseri. Ever since contact was nominal- with the Monpas settling down in present-day Jangbi while the Oleps chose Rukha – a nearly two-day journey by road. Today’s Oleps in Rukha is the third generation. 

Chencho, a 36-year-old Olep, was born and raised in Athang Rukha, which earned him the nickname of his village, Rukha. The seed of his story of love and carpentry was planted early in 2006 when TF initiated the first ‘Integrated Community Development’ model supported by a Poverty Reduction Fund raised by famous footballers Ronaldo and Zinedine Zidan for ‘Match Against Poverty’ under the aegis of United Nations Volunteers (UNV).