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Tarayana Foundation

"Service from the Heart"

Over 20 Years of Rural Transformation

The Unwavering Spirit of Volunteerism

‘I was born and raised in the remote village of Digala, Bardo in Zhemgang. I
received my formal schooling in various schools of Zhemgang, one of Bhutan’s most underdeveloped Dzongkhags. In 2003 at Yebilaptsa Higher Secondary School, I was adequately informed about the Tarayana Foundation during Queen Mother, Azhi Dorji Wangmo Wangchuk’s visit. After Her Majesty’s visit, I learned about the foundation’s objective of creating a happy and prosperous Bhutan, a goal I instantly admired, and aspired for. 

I joined the Tarayana Club at Yebilaptsa HSS in 2003, and have been actively involved with Tarayana Foundation taking up the role of Tarayana Club Coordinator at Paro College of Education. 

In almost two decades of my service for the Tarayana Foundation, I had the privilege and the opportunity to serve the less fortunate firsthand.

One of the most memorable moments volunteering for Tarayana was a Cleaning Campaign organized by the PCE Tarayna Club in 2010 at Paro that saw a waste collection of about two trucks. In 2017, I was elected to be the Tarayana Club Incharge at Mendrelgang Central School. Taking up the role at an incredibly supportive school and community has enabled me to organize programs, devise plans, and solve pertinent issues seamlessly. For the past seven years, the Mendrelgang Tarayana Club’s most remarkable achievements are the tapping of unused water sources for the daily use of over 350 students at the school and the completion of a children’s park for 380 students at Mendrelgang Primary School.

My sole objective for joining the foundation’s activities is to selflessly serve
vulnerable persons or families for inclusive and just societal development, a vision that I share with the 32 Tarayana Club members of Mendrelgang PS. I feel deep remorse whenever I come across persons living with disability as I do not possess the skills nor the resources to aid them. I feel many people need our help and attention.

The Tarayana Clubs around the country are doing an amazing job and are truly “serving from the heart”. The club at my school is receiving tremendous support from the school administration and the public because of the student members’ progressive innovation, humble modesty, and spirit of volunteerism. 

I am proud of all the countless hours of service and volunteering from the club members and firmly believe the results of these selfless acts will benefit numerous individuals for a long time. As the foundation is entering its third decade, I hope to facilitate the revival of traditional cooking materials and methods through the Mendrelgang PS Tarayana Club. 

The club is also planning to construct a child-friendly footpath at the school, and organize advocacy campaigns on various issues.’ The Tarayana Club initiative was started in 2004 to instill the spirit of volunteerism and invigorate a sense of compassion among youth. There are 128 clubs with over 5000 members from pre-primary to tertiary level.